Saturday 10 May 2014

Cats and Mans

       I saw her entering in the restaurant. From her make up i knew that she took a lot of time too to be ready maybe she thinks she will be able to take my attention. she looks gorgeous in black dress. As she entered the restaurant she saw me because its the way when females show the attitude like for them every thing is unplesent or repulsive, they turn their head to their right and i was sitting at the table which was at right corner to the entrance. Our eyes met, i said hello through a smile. She answered me back with a smile. This is the same cat with whom i had a little conversation yesterday. i was feeling very lonely and started talking to her. She said she also have a story to tell maybe we can play a game of exchanging stories. She was not comfortable to come to my place so i asked her out for dinner. and for today i am putting on the suit i got made for one of performance work and its also black this all is going to make us a beautiful couple. she came to the table i was waiting for her. i got up and pulled chair for her, she sat down. came back to my chair.

to be continued...